Affordable, customisable, easy-to-use software

The Contracts Register software replaces contract management processes that you currently manage using a mix of spreadsheets, documents, electronic calendars, local databases and paper. All of the contract information, including scanned versions of all signed documents, is stored centrally, providing your users access from wherever they are based.

There's no need to install any software on any device as your account is accessed securely using standard web browsers. The contracts register software can be set up with all of your users and you'll be ready to go.

If your business needs custom processes, Arepo will work with you to identify the requirements and provide a solution within your account. 

The software is configured to automatically alert relevant users by email when key contract milestones are approaching, making sure renegotiations or ITT's can be put in place in time, reducing the chance of contracts automatically rolling in to extended periods. 

Features include:

  • managing Purchase or Sales contracts
  • automated email alerts for key contract milestones
  • centralised storage of all of your contract information, accessible anywhere
  • ongoing contract management up to renegotiation and reissue
  • customisation of your account processes
  • standard and custom reports

Benefits include:

  • Secure web-based database easily deployed across your office locations
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Improved data capture with drop down selections and picker tools in forms
  • Centralised storage of associated documents for rapid search and retrieval
  • Automated generation of email notifications of upcoming key dates, with links to the relevant contract
  • Audit logs showing all changes made, by whom and when
  • Ability to add tasks, assign them to appropriate staff and track their completion
  • Generation of reports such as track spending, and schedule them for email delivery
  • Customisable configuration of your account depending upon your organisation's requirements

Arepo can analyse your existing data held on spreadsheets or databases and can import this information into your Contracts Register account, ensuring that all of the relevant contract information, past and present, is easily accessible.

Contracts Register

Contract life cycle management

from PQQ, RFP & ITT through to contract renewal

Reduce back office costs

through centralisation of procurement processes


online tender & supplier response management

Auditable systems

track all changes to each contract throughout its life

Document storage

upload documents and images to a centralised database

Sales & Support

+44 (0)20 7280 4390